Get help with your tuition. Grants are available for all Baker campuses.
Grants can come from the Federal government, the State government, Baker College and private organizations. Unlike scholarships, which are merit-based, a grant award is typically based on financial need and does not have to be repaid.
There are several types of grant aid available to Baker College students.
Federal Financial Aid
Federal Pell Grants
Pell Grant funds are available to undergraduate students who have not received their first bachelor degree. The amount depends on the student’s financial need, cost to attend school, enrollment status and plans to attend school for a full academic year or less. Note: If your parent or guardian died in the line of duty while serving in the U.S. armed forces or as a public safety officer since September 11, 2001, you may qualify for a Maximum Pell Grant, provided you meet other eligibility criteria. Learn more about Pell Grants.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants
The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) is available to undergraduate students. The amount depends on the student’s financial need, cost to attend school, status as a full-time or part-time student and plans to attend school for a full academic year or less. Baker College awards SEOG, on a first come first serve basis, to returning students who qualify for Pell and who demonstrate the greatest financial need. Learn more about SEOG.
Federal Workstudy
Undergraduate students may be offered opportunities to work part time to earn funds for college expenses. This may reduce loan obligation and may be combined with other types of aid such as grants and scholarships. Work-study eligibility is based on financial need; however, all Baker College students are welcome to register with Baker College for regular, part time employment. Learn more about Workstudy.
State of Michigan Financial Aid
Children of Veterans Tuition Grant
The Children of Veterans Tuition Grant (CVTG) provides undergraduate tuition assistance for children of certain deceased or disabled members of the armed forces of the United States. The program assists children older than 16 and less than 26 years of age, who have been Michigan residents for 12 months prior to the application. To be eligible, a student must be the natural or adopted child of a Michigan veteran. Stepchildren of the veteran are not eligible.
Fostering Futures Scholarship
The Fostering Futures Scholarship (FFS), State of Michigan* program, provides scholarships to young adults who have experienced foster care. The State of Michigan works with individuals, community organizations, and businesses to encourage charitable contributions that go towards Fostering Futures Scholarship funds. Awards are paid directly to the students’ institution to assist with unmet need.
Michigan Achievement Scholarship
The Michigan Achievement Scholarship is available to Students who graduate from high school in Michigan with a diploma or certificate of completion or achieved a high school equivalency certificate in 2023 or later. Students and their parents must be Michigan residents since July 1 of the prior year, must complete the FAFSA, have an SAI of 30,000 or lower and attend college full time within 15 months of high school graduation. Eligible students may receive a scholarship of up to $5,500 per academic year. Full details are available at MI Student Aid.
Michigan Competitive Scholarship
The Michigan Competitive Scholarship is available to undergraduate students pursuing their first degrees at an approved Michigan postsecondary institution. Students must demonstrate both financial need and merit. Eligible applicants must have a qualifying SAT score of at least 1200 (starting with the Class of 2017). Applicants must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by May 1st to receive priority consideration. Due to the phaseout of this scholarship, eligibility is restricted to students who graduated from high school prior to 2023.
Michigan Tuition Grant
The Michigan Tuition Grant (MTG) is available to undergraduate students and is based on financial need for use at independent nonprofit degree-granting colleges and universities in Michigan. Students attending at least half-time may be eligible to receive a grant from the State of Michigan. Students must complete the State of Michigan questions on the FAFSA by May 1st to receive grant consideration. Due to the phaseout of this grant, eligibility is restricted to students who received funds prior to fall 2024.
Michigan Future Educator Fellowship
The MI Future Education Fellowship offers up to $10,000 per year to undergraduate students who are in their junior or senior year while pursuing a Michigan Board of Education approved Education Preparation Program. To qualify, students must commit to teaching at a qualified school in Michigan. Visit the MI Future Education Fellowship website for the application and program details.
Michigan Future Educator Stipend
The MI Future Educator Stipend offers up to $9,600 to students completing their required student teaching experience while pursuing a Michigan Board of Education approved Education Preparation Program. Visit the MI Future Educator Stipend website for the application and program details.
Tuition Incentive Program
The Tuition Incentive Program (TIP) is a high school completion program that offers to pay college costs for students who graduate from high school or complete their GED. There are two phases to this program (Phase I and Phase II). The program targets needy students in an effort to encourage them to graduate from high school or complete a GED and continue on into post-secondary education.
T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® MICHIGAN Scholarship
T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® MICHIGAN links education, compensation and commitment to improving the quality of early education. T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® MICHIGAN is a statewide scholarship program designed to help child care center teaching staff, preschool teachers, family child care providers, group home owners, center directors, early childhood professionals and administrators meet their professional development goals, while continuing their current employment in regulated early childhood and school age care settings.
T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® MICHIGAN addresses two major challenges in the early education and care field – low wages and high turnover. The scholarship helps increase compensation and the retention of skilled teachers. The education level of child care providers is one of the most critical indicators of the quality of a child’s experiences in child care. Additional information is available here.
The qualification for need-based financial aid programs is determined by the cost of attending a college of the student’s choice, minus the amount that the student and his/her family can reasonably afford.
Cost of Education – Expected Family Contribution = Financial Aid Eligibility
The Expected Family Contribution is the amount that the student and their family is expected to contribute toward the student’s education. For a dependent student, the need analysis formula utilizes the parent’s income and assets (excluding home equity), savings, taxes and other mandatory living expenses to determine the parent’s contribution.
All students (dependent and independent) will have a student’s contribution, which is derived by analyzing the student’s income and assets. The formula for calculating the expected family contribution also takes into consideration parent’s ages, number of family members and number of family members in college.
In addition, a student must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress in order to continue receiving financial aid.
Federal Student Aid provides more information including financial aid, financial calculators, information about educational loans, scholarship information and more.