A longstanding tradition of attending college is living on campus, allowing students to meet new people and gain long-lasting relationships.
As a third-year in student housing, I have met many people and have gained many friendships that will last a lifetime. One of which is my current roommate. Along with meeting new people, having a great relationship with your roommate allows you to have the best college experience. Imagine having a sleepover with your best friend every night. It almost sounds too good to be true.
Another benefit of student housing is that those who may not have the funds to rent an apartment off-campus have the option to live on campus at the low rates that Baker offers. On-campus housing allows students to save money that otherwise would have gone to pay rent while going to college. Some colleges also provide opportunities to get even cheaper or free housing.
The third benefit to student housing is living close to campus. Think of the possibilities. If you are anything like me, then you do not like waking up early. Living so close to the campus and having early classes allows for me to sleep in longer. I also have a very short commute to campus, which is especially important during the winter months. As we all know, winter driving can be scary, and not having to drive is a fantastic benefit of student housing. Finally, because I live so close to campus, along with other students in my classes, we’re able to carpool. This is a great way to save gas and to make friendships with students other than your roommates.
Campus housing also allows students to create accessible study groups with others in the same classes. This is an excellent opportunity to excel in classes and also make friends. Personally, study groups are what have gotten me as far as I have in my college career. For instance, being part of study groups is a way to keep yourself accountable for completing assignments and making study materials. Also, living close to your study groups allows you to get help right away. Whether via email or walking to your classmate’s dorm, getting help right away is easy when you live a few doors down from a classmate.
Lastly, student housing has the benefit of making students more independent. Buying groceries and making your own meals are all things young adults must learn. Student housing allows students to become more independent instead of living at home where groceries and dinner may be a no-brainer. I’ve also learned how to budget my money better by living in student housing. Budgeting in groceries and other necessities has never been a thing I had to do while living at home. Student housing allowed me to learn these skills of being a young adult.
Student housing can very easily make life during college a more enjoyable experience. It provides so many advantages from meeting new people to saving money to becoming more independent. If I had to do it all over again, I would choose to live in student housing again because it has given me memories that will last a lifetime.
To learn more about student housing at Baker College, visit the My Baker Residence Life page.