BC student leaders smiling for a selfie
Mentorship is an added layer of support to help someone journey through a set of goals and challenges to achieve success.
We forget that it can take a village to get through the obstacles and challenges of furthering our careers through higher education. We must use every resource possible to make it through to the finish line of making our dreams come true. The Baker College PROUD Peer Mentoring Program has been a tremendous help to me in remaining passionate about my educational and professional career goals.
Having a peer mentor has boosted my confidence and provided me with the support I need to thrive as a college student. One benefit of having a mentor is receiving advice and examples of what to expect from a college experience. It has helped me become more prepared for what to expect and how to navigate my own college experience.
Another benefit of having a Baker College mentor is that when you become overwhelmed with assignments and studying, you have someone to encourage you and remind you that you can dream and achieve. Mentors provide boosts of confidence and support when it is needed the most. They offer motivation and inspiration as well as guidance and a lending ear.
Mentors can come in many forms, such as family members, friends, and much more. However, I have learned that when having a mentor with which common ground is shared, such as having a mentor who attends the same college, there is more of a mutual connection that allows a mentor to provide specific guidance needs as it relates to the college. Having a mentor that attends the same college is like having an academic partner and an academic lifeline. Mentors remind students they matter, their goals are important, and support their academic growth.
As a business management major at Baker College Online, having a mentor has kept me on a solid academic path. It has been the added layer of support that I need to continue my educational journey. That is why to pay it forward, I have decided to join the Baker College PROUD Peer Mentorship Program as a mentor and board member so that I can be the added layer of support that other students need.