Education your way. Let’s get started.
If you have a busy schedule, Baker Online is an ideal way to earn your degree.
Baker Online is the “virtual campus” of the Baker College System. With Baker Online, you can earn your degree without ever setting foot in a campus building. An internet connection is all you need.
Baker Online is more than an exciting delivery method for higher education. It breaks down barriers that working people have struggled to overcome for years. It enables people to fit a college education into their busy schedules, instead of modifying their schedules for classes. With faculty members and students based all over the world, Baker Online students benefit from a truly world-class perspective.
Courses offered through Baker Online are not self-paced; classes begin and end on specific dates and assignments are given deadlines to keep you on track toward earning your degree. However, our classrooms and our extensive library resources are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so you can do classwork day or night. Students engage with qualified online instructors and interact with peers in their virtual classroom. Students conduct research, submit assignments, ask questions, and participate in discussions in the virtual classroom, much like they would in a traditional classroom setting.
Every online course we offer is based on a fully accredited core curriculum, so it’s easy to combine online and on-ground courses if that works best for you.

NEWBURYPORT, Mass. (June 8, 2016) — The Online Learning Consortium (OLC), the leading professional organization devoted to advancing the quality of digital learning worldwide, today announced the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse and Baker College have earned the OLC Quality Scorecard Exemplary Endorsement, recognizing the outstanding quality of their online learning programs.

Baker College participates in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.
More information about The National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) is available at