In celebration of Manufacturing Day, fourteen local manufacturing companies and several colleges including Baker College will open their doors to more than 650 students from Jackson High School, Hanover-Horton, and Concord Schools.
As part of an effort to change perceptions about today’s manufacturing environment and draw attention to the outstanding opportunities that a career in manufacturing can provide, several Jackson-area education and manufacturing organizations have partnered with The Enterprise Group of Jackson, Inc. to coordinate the event, which is celebrated at hundreds of sites across the nation.
Planned activities include guided tours of manufacturing facilities as well as visits to Baker College to learn more about the post-secondary opportunities for students who may pursue manufacturing as a future career. Participating students will also receive a booklet of information that showcases the history and value of manufacturing in Jackson as well as where to go next to begin pursuing one of the many career options in the field.
Manufacturing Day is an annual national event executed at the local level and supported by thousands of manufacturers as they host students, teachers, parents, job seekers and other local community members at open houses, plant tours and presentations designed to showcase modern manufacturing technology and careers.
“There is an increasing demand for highly skilled professionals in the manufacturing sector who can design, program and operate technology,” said Tim Rogers, President and CEO of The Enterprise Group of Jackson. “The average age of a manufacturing employee is 56, and between now and 2020 there will be an unprecedented shortage of skilled workers who will need to be replaced.”
About Participating Organizations and Tour hosts: Jackson, Michigan’s official Manufacturing Day celebration has been made possible through a diverse cross-sector of participating organizations and companies. These include Advance Turning & Manufacturing, Alro Plastics, Alro Steel, Baker College, CMF, Diversified Precision Products, The Enterprise Group of Jackson, the College and Career Access Center, Cradle 2 Career, Gerdau Special Steel, Greater Ann Arbor Region 9, Great Lakes Industry, JTV, Jackson County ISD and Jackson Area Career Center, Jackson College, Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, Jackson Preparatory and Early College, Jackson Public Schools, Concord Community Schools, Hanover-Horton School District, LeMatic, Local Logic Media, Lomar Machine and Tool, Melling Tool, Michigan Economic Development Corporation, Michigan Works! Southeast, Northwest Tool & Machine, Orbitform, Petty Machine, and The Shop Rat Foundation.